Kabondo, avenue Lac Rweru no. 7, Bujumbura,Burundi info@kit-hub.com
sharing, networking, UBUNTU and UJIMAA are the keys to innovation and job creation to ensure sustainable development in Burundi.


Year of Experience




People affected


Who are we?

KIT Hub (Knowledge and Impact Trade Hub): Inclusive and entrepreneurial digital transformation: Turning dreams into reality

Our vision

Our vision is an inclusive and entrepreneurial Burundian community based on peaceful community cooperation and committed to efforts aimed at promoting and supporting all Burundians, with an emphasis on the youth who bring innovative ideas for : - A life of dignity, freedom, equality, justice and economic opportunity; - Equitable and inclusive social and economic development.

1. Digital Innovation and Social Impact
2. Reinvention of the local workforce
3. Job creation
4. Sustainable education
5. Talent development
Our Interventions
Éducation et Renforcement des Compétences
Création d'Emploi
Autonomisation des Femmes et Égalité des Sexes
Impact Social Positif
Numérique Inclusif
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